Autumn plants for a colourful harvest-time
The moment for a spring surprise
The soil is damp from the steady rain but because the summer is just on its way outit's still warm enough to work in. Plants have all the time they need to get used to a new environment and to form roots that can withstand the cold winter months. Not only can existing plants be easily moved during this period but this is also an ideal season to give your garden new spring surprises. For example, autumn is an excellent moment to plant roses or bulbs. When you care for them well you’ll be treated to a beautiful sea of flowers in the spring.
Plant flower bulbs in layers
A good tip for planting bulbs is the so-called lasagne planting. By planting three or four layers of flower bulbs in a pot you can enjoy beautiful flowers throughout the spring season. The smart choice here is to use different varieties of flower bulbs, each with a differing flowering time. This way the colourful vision always pleasantly surprises you without having to look elsewhere!
Autumn plants with cheery colours
There are, of course, flowers and plants that can give your garden the desired colours in the autumn period. For example, think of Autumn Flowering Anemone – available in white, purple and pink – or the Aster Amellus. But Hebe, Winter Heath and Hydrangea are also beautiful garden adornments during drowsy days. Don’t have a garden but a patio or balcony? With violets you can instantly transform even small spaces into a colourful autumn scene. The nice thing about violets is that when you remove the flowers, new flowers appear again and again. Even in the winter!
Extend the ambience from the inside to the outside
You can easily extend the cosy atmosphere inside your home out to your garden, patio or balcony. Not only by choosing small, cheery and warm shrubs, beautiful Chrysanthemums, Heather and Cyclamen but also by providing a ‘fitting setting'. Within elho’s pure line you’ll find stylish flower and plant pots in various colours that really make your autumn plants come alive. The corsica collection transforms your balcony into an atmospheric winter scene. With these modern flowerpots and planters, the interior is extended outwards, as it were. Autumn and winter cold, wet and grey? Not at elho!