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Informations sur la plante


A fresh look and a fresh scent. Mint is an indispensable plant for fans of herb gardens and people who grow their own ingredients. Mint leaves add extra flavour to many dishes, such as salads, potatoes and lamb. Mint can also be used when making delicious drinks such as Mojitos and other cocktails. During the flowering period, the mint plant is adorned with violet flowers.

Se soucier

Munt is een meerjarige plant, die van veel vocht houdt. Zorg ervoor dat je de plant regelmatig water geeft.


Vous pouvez planter la menthe à l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur. Cette plante résistante au gel se plaît à mi-ombre, mais supporte aussi être en plein soleil. La plante se multipliant vite, il est conseillé de la placer dans un pot.


If the plant outgrows its pot, it is time to repot it. Mint is also easy to prune. Simply propagate the plant using the roots. When the plant looks wilted, cut it all the way back and fresh new leaves will make it come back to life.