Rubber plant

Ficus elastica

Rubber plant

Easy to care

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Preferably underwater than overwater the plant
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Prefers shade or partial shade
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Repot once every two or three years
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Plant information


Ficuses have been around everywhere for many years already. This houseplant in all its varieties is a popular sight at home as well as at the office. The Ficus Elastica Belize represents the Indian branch of the Ficus family. This sturdy, classic succulent is also extremely good at purifying air and removing toxic indoor gases.


The Rubber Tree is easy to care for. Give the Ficus a little water every now and then, less than more being the advice. Allow the soil to dry between waterings. If you remove a leaf, the plant will ooze white latex. Make sure that this oozing stops by dabbing the wound with a napkin, for example. Always wear gloves if white latex oozes from the plant.


The Rubber Tree requires little to survive. This special houseplant flowers in low light, and a spot in the shade or partial shade is no problem. Do not place the plant in direct sunlight as this can lead to  leaf burn.


It is preferable to repot the Rubber Tree in the spring. Once every two or three years is sufficient. Make sure that the new pot is always a size larger than the old one. Always wear gloves when repotting the Rubber Tree since the latex that oozes when the plant is injured can irritate the skin and eyes.